Jan's Jasmine Bower
This is how I start my day.
I mean, officially after my walk and after I make coffee, then my day really begins.
I'm good at delayed gratification, I guess. I think about that first steaming cup as I get out if bed at 6:00am. Coffee is off in the future by at least an hour, but it is a reason to get up in the morning,
I'm usually home by 7:00am. It's so fresh and quiet out at that time, except for the morning traffic, the school kids, and the road crews.
I try to take Elizabeth Elliot's advice and use the time for prayer. She said once that she found she spent more time 'wool gathering' if she prayed on her knees first thing in the morning, so she walks and talks with the Lord outside.
It's a good time to marvel at God's grace, His creation, His patience with mankind. It's also a good time to spread my thoughts out, to really consider what I want to ask the Lord about, what I want Him to do, what I want Him to help me do.
Then, when I get home I release Bobby, hang up my jacket and bag, fill the kettle, and set up the coffee grounds and filter.
I make only two cups; one for me and one for Mom. We sit on the patio and greet the day together. I love my Mom.