Don The Pirate
I'm sorry folks!
I did a post and I was talking to S.W. at the same time (Mauna Loa has erupted, again )and then when I tried to spell-check, Poof! It was gone, and I was out of time.
This is Don. He loves playing at being a pirate. In fact, he was just recently hired as a security guard at all the local Renaissance Faires. (that he loves to frequent as many times as six or seven a year) Why not? He is certainly believable.
Things are going so jolly well that he had me make him this new vest/waistcoat thingy. He really likes the Capt. Jack Sparrow look. Without the eye makeup and dreadlocks, of course. He brought me a page from an over-priced (and badly made) costume catalogue. After adding about eight inches to the length, and inside pockets, he pronounced it wonderful. ARG! The problem is that I don't think Max, his son, understands that this is a hobby and that daddy is not really out 'over the bounding main'.
Speaking of Max, he is one accident prone child. Each of the three (or four) times I've seen him he has a new bruise. He absolutely loves Chucky Cheese's and goes all out. He LOVES doors of any kind...thinks that the mini door to my jewelry case is just for him. Don't get me wrong. I don't believe he is being abused. I have seen his clumsiness and his frenetic energy. better than that, I have seen how much his father adores him and is constantly trying to prevent him from killing himself accidentaly.
My mom had a son like this. The ER doctor started to look sideways at Mom after a while. Good thing we kept moving to other countries all the time.
Joe The Vagabond? What's up? You must be out shopping since it's been two hours since you posted this.
Did it really erupt? Am I missing something? I looked on the net for more info and it said it didn't. Anyways, that was off topic. :)
Frenetic? Is that a kedjism from kenetic and frantic? Or is it actually a word. Must look it up. Though it does make sense.
Google the word, dear katz.
fre·net·ic or phre·net·ic (fr-ntk)
Wildly excited or active; frantic; frenzied.
The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
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