Thursday, February 28, 2008

A New Member Of The Family!

It's not that we are so full of free time...more that we convinced ourselves that this would be a solution to Bobby's lonesome-ness. She is so sweet and gentle. A little bigger than Bob, maybe by an eyebrow.
They are now warily getting to know each other. We are really trying to get her to be more attached to Gramma instead of me this time around. She does love Gramma, (or anybody who pays attention to her for a little while) and spends a good amount of time curled up in the center of her lap.
The two little dogs spent today squared off on either side of said lap, whether on the patio swing or in her bedroom recliner. Bobby always has claims on Gramma's left side (though not in my recent photos obviously) and new/dog is thus relegated to the right by default. They did eat supper from the same double dish tonight, a good sign.
She is another 'rescue' dog from the animal shelter; the folks who originaly took her in changed their mind.
Her grooming has been much neglected and it will take a while for her ears to grow long and lush like Bobby's and her coat to grow back. It was shaved entirely to remove the months of matting and dirt. We believe she is at least partly poodle, maybe 18 months old, and so we will groom her alongside Bobby. We'll then shave her face too, like a proper poodle should, and let her top-knot grow high instead.
We do still have some few incidents of her low growling when he is too nosy, but less and less.
The problem tonight is, we can't seem to name her!!!
We've been all over the alphabet and keep coming back to Vicky; the Best-In-Show winner of the Eukanuba Dog Show last year and the winner of her group (TOY) this year at Westminster.


At 11:23 PM, Blogger The Chatty Housewife said...

She's cute! I like the bows, very cute. They make a nice couple ha ha. I know too many human Vickys to think that would be a suitable dog name lol! BUT- like it matters what I think! By now she is probably officially Vicky. :)

At 11:49 AM, Blogger knitterykate said...

Oh, so cute! Those bows really do something for her, though. How about Fifi? just kidding. She looks like a snowball to me. How about Snow? or the French name for snow? whatever that is. Try some foreign names on her for size. Or open up a french dictionary and point. I'm really not good at naming ~ had a hard enough time with my kids.

At 9:07 AM, Blogger Mandy said...

How about Victoria? Such an elegent dignified name....and then you could call her Vicky for short!

At 9:26 PM, Blogger Jailgy said...

She reminds me of an apple, peeled with a bit of red and ready to enjoy with the seeds still in. Thus call her
Pippin, Apple (sorry Gwyneth Paltrow) or Cameo see:

At 9:31 PM, Blogger Jailgy said...

If you call her Apple and she barks a lot then you can call her Happy Yappy Appy. Kinda goes with Bobby Dobby.

At 3:05 PM, Blogger ioi said...

'Victory' sounds close enough to 'Vicky', but still seems different.


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