Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Pee Wee Patio

Yes, this is all it is. We've spent (wasted) hundreds of dollars on plants and flowers over the years, hoping something would grow. Sooner or later everything died. Everything but a spiky, obnoxious asparagus fern and a wimpy aspidistra. (now, now, no need to name call) We've tried bulbs, annuals, perennials, evergreen. We had violets for a while. Jasmine, geraniums, jade plants. Then a potato vine. A struggling, but alive, potato vine. Dauber dug it up the other day so I could put the bricks down. ":WHOA!" he says. He'd never seen anything like this. The roots had created a 'basket'. They were so tightly bound you couldn't budge a single one. Apparently, I had dug a hole slightly larger than the potted plant, plopped it in and left it. The roots had no place to go. Solid clay all around, so they just wound around themselves over and over. I honestly think that part of the problem has been the capricious sprinkler and the $$ conscious home-owners-assoc. We don't pay a water bill, we don't have control over the sprinklers. I can never tell then, of course, when the watering will stop for whatever reason; plumbing issues, rainy days, broken main, etc. I could (of course) water it all myself by hand, don't you know, but it's much more fun to blame others for my misfortune.
To avoid the later-in-the-day heat, I got to work early. I chopped and dragged the clumps and clods around until I had a relatively smooth-ish surface. Then I swirled a two-by-four across a few times. (how clever am I!) The paving stones went in easily after that. They are a little wobbly and rock a bit if you step on an edge, there is a hill and a valley, but it's done and it will settle. Yes, I could have leveled the dirt with a string contraption, poured a sand layer beneath the paving stones, done all the regulation stuff, but I didn't. I have cautioned Gramma to step gingerly and always tie Bobby up when she takes him out with her. He will take off and never come back.


At 8:20 AM, Blogger Gramma said...

I try to step in the middle of the pavers because I don't like to wobble. It is a very pleasant place to have my morning coffee. It's pleasant even in the afternoon when the breezes start.

At 9:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The perfect spot to enjoy a cool glass of lemonade.

At 3:14 PM, Blogger Jailgy said...

I am impressed!

At 3:27 PM, Blogger Mary said...

Good job! You're superwoman!

At 9:34 PM, Blogger knitterykate said...

I love it! All you (I) need is a cup of coffee and biscotti.

How about planter boxes of gerainiums along the edge? Add sapphire sweet william (allysum) and you've got your project for the month of September.

At 6:57 PM, Blogger HotRodHanna said...

Very nice! I appreciated the thermometer picture. I can feel the heat from here.

At 8:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

have you ever tried succulents? (growing, that is, not eating)



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