Sunday, September 09, 2007

Lassen Fashion

There are two places on this tired old earth that I could say that I truly do love. Love in the earthly, familiar way. Love in the transient, temporal way. Neither would take the place of my hope, my eternal home, my rest. Neither compares with the wonderful prospect of seeing Him face to face, but they are sweet, they are both part of me, both a portion of who I am. One is any meeting room, particularly the meeting room in Hemet. I find the Lord there. I find friends there. I find comfort and rest there. I also find structure, food, affection, and welcome. It's the closest thing to Heaven I think, those Sunday mornings when we come to together to sing His praises, in unison, in worship, in love. I don't get a sermon, that's for another time. I don't look for teaching then, though our hymnbook has more truth than many churches will ever have.
It's the only place where I find that the Holy Person and work of Christ is fully, jealously cherished. Tell me of another. The only place where I know that the Holy Spirit is given His proper liberty and place. It's the only place where I know that the sinless humanity, the perfect atoning work, the eternal sonship, and the recognition of the unspeakable gift that the Father gave to redeem our poor, wretched souls from a lost eternity is faithfully taught.
The other place is Lassen Pines. Oh, how I love the week at Lassen. The fellowship, the ministry, the singing, the food(!). One whole week of the best earth-life has to offer.
But my most favorite time of all there is a moment in the the evening at the fireside circle when, after the sun has gone down behind the trees and the moon is not yet risen, that you can just make out the outline of the forest against the sky, just beyond the lake. The stars are out, twinkling away, far away.
Well, you can imagine my longing when I saw this sweater in a magazine a long time ago.
It looks exactly like this.

Every time I saw the picture I sosososo wanted that sweater. I knew it would be a challenge. I knew it would take a large bite out of my 'good-will bank' with anyone. How to trade on my equity...hmmm. Do I have any abundance of 'good-will' equity with any knitter? Better yet, does any knitter owe me big time? I don't knit. I don't crochet. I do have a mom, and moms always think you're just bounding in sweetness, don't they?

Hey, Mom...

She always comes through. Yay Mom!
This is a close-up (Mom requested) of the lower portion of the tree-line. it's a bit tricky like counted cross stitch as she needs to count stitches to the spot where she can change colors to make the tree design, count again, and change back. (Oh, right, and you knit argyle socks, Mom. I remember.) She says that I can put my own stars on. That way I can put on as many as I like and any where I like.
How generous is that?


At 8:03 PM, Blogger Gramma said...

Please note the shadows of the trees done in purl before the change in shades of blue. My good will equity bank is struggling to finish the last fuzzy purse and the black mittens I started for #1 granddaughter a few years ago. They really don't go for a July birthday anyway. Then there's the yellow sweater I made the neck hole too small. (I hate to rip).

At 8:22 PM, Blogger Jailgy said...

Well said.

Tell me which direction you look at the stars at Lassen and I'll find the correct constellation.

At 8:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this blog.

At 8:49 PM, Blogger knitterykate said...

Thank-you for the encouraging words. What priviledges we enjoy - all by sovereign grace alone! No merit on our part could earn us that.

Love the sweater. I would like to put in my request too but I do have the pattern myself...somewhere.

At 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jailgy, you can use Google Sky (access using Google Earth) to get the constellations.

At 4:03 PM, Blogger Mary said...

Thank you for the encouragment about the Lord's Day morning! It's nice to be reminded about what we have and can enjoy. Also,we can only enjoy it when we're not looking around at our brethren!
That looks like a neat sweater project. What a great mom you have!

At 6:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lassen fashion? is that an oxymoron? :) haha! the sweater is pretty though!


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