Monday, February 19, 2007

President's Day

Sometimes it's interesting to see a before and after
This is what our beautiful Bougainvillea looked like last Autumn.
We've had it freeze back even further than this and come back.
By further, I mean all the way to the ground!
I expect J/Broccoli today, to help me a little(alot).
We'll finish the side yard paving stones,
"plant" a railing/banister for Mom to use at the steps,
dig up the Agapanthus (Lily of the Nile) in the front yard, separate the corms and give some to Chuggy.
Maybe plant Iris in the bare places in the back.
Carolina Jasmine.
Cape Blue Plumbago.
Potato Vine.
2nd Plumbago. (little)
just a peek next to the cable dome.
Fountain Grass.
a few fronds visible in front of neighbor's garbage can

The Carolina Jasmine is no worse for wear, as you can see.
I think we'll plant the Iris (Mom's favorite flower) in the dirt triangle near the curb curve.

Tiny and wimpy, I know, but I'm pleased with it.
I was able to successfully save some!
Last year (and the year before) the gardener, not recognizing them, raked them away!

The gardening service is hired by the home owners asso.
Even though they are adept at mowing, pruning, and clearing brush, I wonder if the workers know much about plants?


At 10:04 AM, Blogger Gramma said...

Said gardeners are adept at making ALL living, blooming things SQUARE. Mr. and Mrs. Mourning Dove are hovering around our fence posts and cooing to each other.

At 12:03 PM, Blogger knitterykate said...

It sure looks bare. I've got a pic of your back fence that I'll post later when Blogger's picture uploader works again.

At 4:14 PM, Blogger HotRodHanna said...

!!?! Your poor plants! That looks terrible. I hope they grow back to their former glory.

Side note.. It was 50 degress today, and I was thankful. Yes, veeeery thankful, and actually thought it felt warm. [Mental head slap] I never thought I would utter those words. I've been freezing every single day. Hope you are staying cozy!


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