Friday, October 20, 2006

Morning Walk.

Every morning (except Saturday) We go for a walk, Bobby and I.
We skip Saturday because it's the one day of the week that I don't have to get out of bed for anything at all.
Not that I get to 'sleep in' much. If you had a seven pound kangaroo jumping on your bed, you wouldn't sleep in either.
Good grief, could I get any more chins to show??
I was hoping this shot would come out!
It's dawn over the golf course. So pretty.
This is as far as Bobby walks, about three blocks. He needs about that much distance to get his business done and then he would stop and sniff every thing in sight if I let him, thus he's in the bag, which he enjoys as well. I continue about two more miles.
This is my dear friend Sarah, my walking buddy of about four years. She is a retired pastor's wife and lives in the mobile home park opposite the golf course. She usually picks up my circuit about half-way, does a whole mile, then drops off at her park entrance as I continue on the rest of the way home. She's wearing an old pair of GG's wool mittens that I gave her; she gets hers out of the moth balls sooner than I. Of course I have new ones now!!
Sarah rescued a nest of duck eggs early this last Spring. She'd been spying on the nesting mother for a while and then realized that the mother had been killed or driven away. She raised six (in her bathtub) and released them back to the pond this Summer. Even though she hatched them, rolling them under a light bulb, none imprinted with her. We laughed when she asked me advice on hatching, as if I'd know! I could sew them a hat or a little jacket, maybe.
She still feels proprietary sometimes, brings food and checks on their welfare. Quack! Quack!


At 6:24 AM, Blogger SAJ said...

Wow! And I thought there wasn't anywhere nice to walk in the sticks! That is a beautiful walk to take, and lovely company to boot! Maybe I'll join you some day when I'm out visiting.

p.s. did you get your belated saj package yet?

At 9:06 AM, Blogger Gramma said...

A great way to start the day...that way the cobwebs from sleep disappear. I thought that shimmer behind you was snow, but I guess it's the lake/pond by the nursing home.

At 12:29 PM, Blogger knitterykate said...

I should have come with you when I was there. I now regret it but at the time, being on vacation means you get to sleep in!


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