Cell Phone Re-Charger
I don't suppose anybody is missing this? I was changing my sheets and found it under my bed. Since Knittery was the last one here, maybe it's hers. Eh?
My new red mittens! Thank you Kate! Just in time, too. The weather has been balmy until this morning. We, Bobby and I, don't go walking in the rain. Bobby, because he gets extra stinky when he's wet and is finicky about dirty feet. He'll stop right inside the front door to clean them, right away. I have to step over him to get into the house. Me, because it is a good enough reason to stay by the fire, or in bed, as it were.
Birthdays in my family are like Channukah Celebrations. Presents all month long! We don't always get the gift to the recipient in a timely manner and nobody really cares. I used to apologize until I realized that it's kinda nice to get another gift out of the blue. In fact, I like it alot that way.
This time of year we have so many birthdays all at once. Four in August, Six in September, and Five in October. Other months have two or three, except December, which has Four as well.
These are my cool socks. (Kate again!) I was thinking I needed to dig out my house slippers today. I have an off-season closet in the garage because my closet in my room can't hold both hot and cold season clothes. Now before you call me a princess, the closet measures 47 inches; that's three feet, 11 inches to you in metro land. Or a little more than a meter, I guess.
You sure got them fast! I think I mailed them on Thursday from Blaine. Glad you like them. I'm saving some red yarn for adjustments.
Yes, it is my phone recharger. Save it for me, please.
It's hard to imagine H getting cool enough for mittens! And it's only October!
...and you'll get another one soon, too, I hope. When things calm down around here.
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