The 10th Annual Rook Tournament
What a fun time!
There were 13 teams (of two) and that made for three groups for competition: 4/4/5. We all played the other three teams in our group.
Each team of the 'five' group had to wait out a game so it came out even. J was assigned Be Good as he'd no continuing partner and Mrs Good had stayed at home this evening.
My Darling Partner DauBer. He thought my reading glasses would improve his cards.
Or maybe at least his understanding of the risk he was about to take. They certainly made Aunt Wendy smile! By the time we'd finished our second set we had 10 (ten) points.
Six games and we had TEN points.
I don't think I took the bid once. Go figure.
Heather drove down with us and was still able to play a decent game.
She and Brooke were the winners of our group and thus in the semi-finals against the winners of group Three.
That's as far as they got.
Abigail and Kathy VanH sat out a game and so Abs had some advice for dad. It was good to see Kathy. Weezy was Aunt Wendy's partner.
Wayne and Carolyn skunking Weezy & Wendy. It was Karen and Matthew who cleaned up; he kept on getting killer hands! I don't know who won. Maybe Be Good will tell me. We stopped for supper after round two and had round three, plus the semi-finals and finals afterwards.
Doug and Rose won. It was a lot of fun. There was a birthday cake and some gifts for the hostess' 50th, but Kedge was footnoted in the Happy Birthday song too.
Looks like a lot of fun!
But needless to say, Kedge is a whole lot (of days) younger. Weezy missed out on the spotlight. Thanks for making the trip.
weezy doesn't like the spotlight...:) HB kedge...late but not forgotten...oh no never!
DBoone NEEDS to wear those glasses!
Looks like fun was had by all! Sorry I missed it!
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