What with all-day-meeting( Hemet Style, I know, I know ) I was pretty wiped out. The Tiramisu was a success! Even recognizable for what it was...not just any-old layered pie thingy. We had a nice visit with Josephine and Bug. She took pictures with my new camera and gave some advice on memory chips...I won't really need much. One of the pics she took was of the mother mourning dove & nest that is right outside the back door. Two little sets of beady eyes. We can get very close as you'll see. Eventually. One lesson at a time. I did re-set the pixels to 'S is for small; 640x480- low, for e-mail and lots more images', yesterday. I felt so accomplished! I rested in that warm glowy feeling of success for a good day and a half. Sadly, the next morning I discovered a shattered nest, broken hanging basket, and quite a mess of dirt and twigs, all over the patio! OH NO! Also, one big, ugly, mangy, nasty, CAT!!! sitting contentedly on a chair. I looked and looked but never found a single feather anywhere, which was good news, sorta. Then this morning, I saw a mama dove sitting in the hanging petunias by the back fence, with one fledgling. I hope this was ours.
Oh, so sad! At least you got your pics for posterity's sake.
Those baby birds looked pretty big. I think their chances of survival are pretty good.
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