Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A Question and a Story.

We rushed mom to the doctor yesterday...She's had a terrible cough. I'd left for work via the car dealer (tune-up for Lassen) and was hence stranded as I'd taken the shuttle. It eventually came out that she'd been avoiding telling me of her discomfort. Her blood pressure was high, I knew of it once, but another time it was higher and she chose not to tell. In calling Dr. to make an appointment for later in the week, she was instructed to come right away. Chuggy Pepper was summoned to drive. Throughout the day we were all concerned. She had been so busy last week.
We try to arrange one event a day so as to not tire her out and save some energy for unplanned stuff. Last week though, was especially busy. I have been struggling to be positive, but I found it hard (again) to be understanding about the secrecy. She is not a complainer. I don't see the logic in keeping these things from me and then having to rush about. I prayed and then called counselor Braille-man. He advised me to ask her directly why. Deal with the answer, not the feelings.
"I don't want you to worry." OK, mom. Think about this. I know you have diabetes, congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, and high blood pressure. I know you have had kidney failure, you fall often and you have had a heart attack. I know what to do in amplifying your medications in the event of a problem. Now I know you are hiding things from me. What do you think I worry about now?
Now for the story. I have a dear client whom I have had for years. She is often so cheerful and full of life. She loves the Lord Jesus and we often have sweet conversations together. Yesterday (that fateful day) she came in to pick up her clothes. She was stony and looked shell shocked. Finally she admitted that her 52 yr old son had just died. He had Diabetes. He had Coronary Artery Disease. He had Congestive Heart Failure and High Blood Pressure. He also was feeling poorly and didn't want to be a bother, so he didn't tell anyone. His body collapsed and his organs failed one by one, like dominos. Alice wasn't able to get to him before he died, it happened so fast. She never spoke to him again. Worst of all for her, she is not sure of his soul's condition.
We have an understanding now, Mom and I. I promise to take a deep breath and not panic/over react/rush her to the ER. She promises to tell me what I need to know.
BTW She had a chest X-Ray and Dr. gave her an antibiotic for an infection in her lungs, Motrin for pain and Diabetic Cough Syrup to help her bring up the junk. She'll stay in bed today.


At 9:25 AM, Blogger knitterykate said...

Ahhhh! What you have to deal with on a day by day basis, Kedj. I'm just so glad you are there for Mom. I feel so much better that you can take care of things for her and that there are others there too you can ask council and wisdom. But it must be very hard. And I admire mom in her stoicism. But there has got to be a balance. Which do you want? Little worry now or big worry later? Just my thots.

At 6:35 PM, Blogger Kedge said...

Good for you LeAnne. I am still struggling with my confounded camera.


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